Covid Mandates – Totally illogical

So, we are in the middle of pandemic – what resources do you need the most; that’s correct health workers (medics) and care workers. We should be encouraging new staff into service.

So what do the governments do?

  • Mandate that care workers have the Covid vaccine or leave their job.
  • Mandate that all medical staff have a Covid vaccine or leave their job.

So in the UK up to 60,000 care workers have left, and up to 100,000+ NHS staff will potentially leave…all in the middle of pandemic crises. It is the most illogical action to take when the governments know these people will leave because of the coercion tactics employed. Is that the type of behaviour that you would expect during a pandemic crises? These people were saving lives in 2020 as ‘heroes’ and being clapped each week. And yet the reward for those in sound mind and good conscience who refuse the vaccine (through personal choice) is to be sacked…shameful.

And guess what? Those left behind using the NHS and care homes will have an even worse service and experience then they do now. You would think this is just a ploy to further destroy our public health services …

Additionally, we already have the scientific evidence to show that the double jabbed still contract and spread the disease…in fact they were more infected in the UK per 100,000 (see here).

You cannot make this up.

Weird as f**k.