The Covid-19 Plan

Once upon a time…

  • China and the USA were working on ‘gain of function’ research for Coronaviruses. This is where in the lab they make viruses more dangerous, able to easily infect humans, through artificially changing (programming) the virus and its properties and characteristics. How the Covid-19 virus came to exist, and find its way into society is still up for debate.
  • Some studies have shown the virus appears to be manufactured rather than a product of nature [News articles: ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6 Papers/articles: ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11]. A significant paper was released by Limeng YAN | PostDoc Position | MD, PhD | The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong | HKU | School of Public Health ( which has caused quite a stir.
  • You can read the original paper here and a follow-up review comments/rebuttals pdf paper here. There are obvious political motivations, however, the un-invited peer reviews are strange. very strange. Scientists do not always agree, that is well known, and indeed healthy for society. However, the extraordinary quick reviews in an attempt to discredit are very interesting. The paper comes out on Sept 14th 2020, then the un-invited peer reviews come in on Sept 22nd and 24th, from two groups, John Hopkins and MIT Press. Such timeframes are unprecedented. It would normally take a scientist a few days (elapsed) or so to properly analyse a paper which has taken several weeks or months to create, to examine the data sources, methods used and the integrity of the process, findings and conclusions. How this paper gained so much attention and the uninvited reviews so early on is quite remarkable, but perhaps not unexpected.

From ref 11 regarding the un-invited peer reviews :

“…Interestingly, almost immediately after its publication, our report received “peer reviews”, although uninvited, from two groups of scientists, respectively. The first review, published on September 22nd, 2020, eight days from the publication of our report, was produced by a group of four scientists from the Johns Hopkins Center for Health and Security: Kelsey Warmbrod, Rachel West, Nancy Connell, and Gigi Gronvall. Two days later, on September 24th, a second review was published by the MIT Press, where comments came from four seemingly independent scientists: Takahiko Koyama, Adam Lauring, Robert Gallo, and Marvin Reitz.

An additional citation from ref 8, is also very interesting regarding the SARS-CoV-2 virus:

“These include a low rate of evolution in the early phase of transmission; the lack of evidence for recombination events; a high pre-existing binding to human angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2); a novel furin cleavage site (FCS) insert; a flat ganglioside-binding domain (GBD) of the spike protein which conflicts with host evasion survival patterns exhibited by other coronaviruses; and high human and mouse peptide mimicry. Initial assumptions against a laboratory origin by contrast have remained unsubstantiated. Furthermore, over a year after the initial outbreak in Wuhan, there is still no clear evidence of zoonotic transfer from a bat or intermediate species. Given the immense social and economic impact of this pandemic, identifying the true origin of SARS-CoV-2 is fundamental to preventing future outbreaks. The search for SARS-CoV-2′s origin should include an open and unbiased inquiry into a possible laboratory origin.”

  • The world elite knew this day was coming. It had been planned for a long, long time.
  • The UK changed its pathology laws to enable as many deaths for Covid-19 to be recorded as possible.
  • It created the Covid-19 emergency act, similar to many other states. This allowed for almost anything to be changed at will without any democratic process.
  • The media and news outlets spread mass fear and panic. Several broadcast videos from China Wuhan of people, even doctors dying (unable to breathe) came in. Additionally, early on reports from Italy came in of lots of deaths, especially in the elderly.
  • As never before in history (on-scale), the governments almost simultaneously declared lockdowns in early 2020 for most countries. Quarantines in place for the healthy, making them prisoners at home, instead of quarantining the sick, as is the normal practice.
  • Many schools were closed for extended periods, despite the risk of Covid-19 for the young being almost nil.
  • The NHS was placed on red-alert (Protect the NHS), and was mostly shutdown for normal activities and duties, focusing solely on Covid-19 related illness. Heart disease, Cancer, and other serious illnesses were largely put on hold, with diagnosis and treatments and so on not being carried out.
  • GP services for most of the UK were largely suspended, even privately, and only remote conference calls were available. These phone/conference calls were very difficult to get via the NHS, often patients waiting over 2 weeks for a call back.
  • Testing for Covid-19 was fanatical in the UK. If you had any primary symptom of a cough, loss of smell or temperature, you were told to take a PCR test immediately.
  • If you got a positive PCR test result, no treatments were made available at home via the NHS (e.g. drug tablets, interventions and so on). Just to go home an isolate for 10 days. If you got really sick you would be admitted to hospital, albeit at a late stage of disease progression, usually when your O2 blood levels were below 80 SpO2.
  • UK hospitals used Dexamethasone as an anti-inflammatory treatment, but this was generally only used for those quite ill. This drug is cheap, and on the WHO essential medicines list, and improved the patient recovery process.
  • General treatments, use of other well known (anti-viral) drugs with a good safety profile, and medical interventions were not largely considered, in favour of focusing all effort/reliance on a possible vaccine.
  • Late in 2020, several vaccines were hailed as ready to go. The Astra-Zeneca Vaccine (Viral Vector), and the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines (mRNA based).
  • All the vaccines were made available to the UK on an emergency basis. The vaccine manufacturers claimed they had been through the whole safety and trials process in record time. They were hailed by the world, as a means to end the pandemic.
  • All the vaccine manufacturers were legally indemnified against the ramifications of the vaccines having undesirable side effects. There is no comeback for suffering any ill-effects. They are immune from the courts and legal system.
  • The NHS and other medics around the world were applauded for their efforts to save peoples lives during the pandemic. They were declared heroes around the world for the good work they had done.
  • Simultaneously with the initial lockdown in early 2020, many old people in care homes died in the first wave of infection. Strangely, lots of old people (still infected) were sent from hospital direct to care homes where the virus was spread around the vulnerable. Additionally, an end-of life palliative care drug called Midazolam was used and prescribed extensively across care homes in the UK to ‘assist the dying’ process. So much was used, that supplies ran out.
  • Lockdowns across the globe adversely affected many economies. Large scale bail-out programmes were created such as furlough schemes to help people not lose their jobs. Normal everyday activities were restricted, typically 1 hour of exercise outdoors, and essential shopping only. Direct medical treatments were hard to access, unless it was an emergency. Even then, patients were not allowed to see loved ones.
  • Once the hailed vaccines became available in late 2020, the world geared up for the mass vaccination rollout programmes. In the UK generally over 40s were given the Astra-Zeneca vaccine, under 40s the Pfizer, and some Moderna. Some reports came in quickly of blood clotting type events, especially for the Astra-Zeneca vaccine, which became more of a political issue between the UK and Europe.
  • Initially, the most vulnerable and old were vaccinated, being at higher risk. Slowly, the vaccine was rolled out to more age groups.
  • Eventually, the vaccines in the UK were authorised for 12-15 year olds by the chief medical officers, despite the Joint Committee on Vaccination and immunisation (JCVI) stating that there was no risk v benefit case for this age group of children having the vaccine. Children were empowered to overrule their parents to take the vaccine, even if they stated they did not want them to take it.
  • Currently, in many European states and the USA, vaccine mandates are now being put in place to restrict people’s freedoms if they are not vaccinated. Doctors and nurses who were ‘heroes’ during the height of the pandemic are now losing their jobs and being suspended in France and the USA, because they chose to not be vaccinated.
  • Nearly all countries are trying to adopt track and trace systems to monitor people’s vaccination status and movements using QR code type systems. As the vaccines do not stop transmission of the virus, the only aim can be to have full medical control and provide huge amount of data for tracking and analysis purposes.
  • These systems can be used to deny people access to services and events, and the scope increased at will to include almost any facility.
  • The vaccine has been pushed so hard by governments, with various coercive strategies, that for many it has become a divisive issue, even for families.
  • The vaccine programmes are now about 10 months in (Oct 2021). In the UK around 66% are fully vaccinated, and Israel about 78%. This has not stopped the infection spreading – especially the dominant Delta-variant.
  • The UK, along with the USA and Israel, despite being the most vaccinated countries in the world, have largely dominated the ‘new cases’ tally for new Covid-19 infections since July 2021.
  • So far the media and press have only published stories about people dying from Covid-19 and wishing they had taken the vaccine.
  • On the UK Yellow card reporting system there are as of Sept 2021; there are very few media stories about this:
Number of reportsNumber of reportsNumber of reportsNumber of reports Number of reports
CountryPfizer/ BioNTechOxford University/AstraZenecaModernaBrand unspecified
Northern Ireland2,2712,8314911
  • There has been a significant effort to label anyone who questions the vaccines safety profile as Covid mis-information spreaders. Genuine scientific debate has been shutdown, and full censorship has taken hold. Many high profile professors and medical doctors have been smeared for speaking up, lost their jobs, and had their reputations damaged just for encouraging debate. Big Tech companies such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Wikipedia (note how profiles have been tarnished) has been especially noted for supporting this type of activity.
  • We have little long term vaccine safety data yet, as only 10 months have passed since the vaccination programme began on a large scale. There have been reports of excess deaths being higher in the latter of 2021, and also reports of increases in artery blockage based heart attacks. However, more time needs to pass in order to make clear, honest appraisals.
  • Additionally the Great Barrington Declaration has been largely ignored by the media and news outlets. Totally silenced. This is backed by some of the greatest minds, and yet no heed given.
  • Positive news from Norway declaring the Covid-19 pandemic is over, and plaudits to Sweden for taking a generally sensible approach during the pandemic.