You read it here first (well probably not)! So does anyone else think the world has gone Covid mad? Yes, before anyone says, it is a serious, nasty, dangerous virus. This is not in doubt. I’ve seen first hand that some people have got seriously ill, sick and been admitted to hospital and sadly some have even died. This does not escape the fact though that dying of Covid remains very low if you are under 60. Here is the ONS data on the ‘aged standardised mortality rate per 100,000 persons’: ONS Data
Just for those of you who are lazy, like me, here is a picture of the key graph showing the data clear as mud. As you can see, over 60s are when things generally become more dangerous, rising rapidy for those in their 80s or 90s. Note, there are of course always exceptions and deviations to anything ‘standard’ or ‘average’, and people with underlying health conditions, perhaps even going unknown or undetected sometimes succumb to this horrible disease.

So what is the point of all this? Yes, the UK has one of the best vaccine rollout programmes in the world. Impressive. Only Israel is perhaps more advanced…But let us think about the consequences to us as a ‘free people’ for a minute, and the implications on our lives and liberty.
Very soon it is likely…
- Normal corporations, and airlines will have access to your vaccine passports and at least part of your medical data.
- You won’t be able to travel by plane (or perhaps other means) to another country without having a vaccine and ‘vaccine passport’.
- Regular future vaccine programmes will be ‘the norm’. If you don’t keep up with them, you won’t be able to travel.
- Track and trace systems will be in place for almost every workplace, restaurant, pub, nightclub requesting your QR code and data on your vaccination status.
- Some job offers will be subject to you having a Covid vaccination.
- Essentially, vaccination will no longer be a choice for people, by virtue of the fact, if you do not have it, you will cease to be able to live and function in society i.e. unable to travel, use services, work or even go out and enjoy entertainment venues. The government will continue to say you have free choice, however, they have stealthily used the large corporations of the world to force people’s hand into having the vaccine and handing over their personal medical and movement data.
Is this the world you want to live in? Personally, no thanks. I sincerely hope there is some kind of future resistance to all this. Besides, in history, pandemics have come and gone (note – gone). They always pass, that is a fact, either through achieving mass herd immunity through high infections, and possibly deaths, or by vaccination programmes. However, this is the first time in history a pandemic is being used as an excuse to change the very fabric of how society works.